Spiritual Streetart Mohammed Ali

Spiritual Streetart: Mohammed Ali

Inspired by Islamic scripts and patterns, Mohammed Ali’s art explores themes relating to multicultural, contemporary societies. Also known as Aerosol Arabic, Mohammed started doing graffiti as a teenager. At the age of twenty, having lost a dear friend, his rediscovery of the Islam led him to put these two passions together. Since then, Mohammed has made a name for himself and he has exhibited his canvas-art and public spiritual murals in the streets of New York, Chicago, Toronto, Melbourne and Dubai. More pictures and a ‘where to see’ after the bump!

Combining graffiti with Islamic art, Mohammed draws fascinating parallels between a modern art form and the rich Islamic creative heritage, by highlighting how each focuses on the beautification of words.

He can be seen at Liteside Festival, Amsterdam, from August 14th-16th, painting a mural as part of the festival.   Source: __http://thestar.com.my

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