LASH - light attachment for spray cans

LASH - light attachment for spray cans

LASH is another approach for the people who perform graffiti at night under low light environments. Politically or socially graffiti has been a part that conveys a meaning in various aspects of the society and by time is has been increasing and portrays a lot of positive impacts on the society. Product designer Subinay Malhotra has created concept mockups of Lash, a light attachment for spray-paint cans that would allow artists to see what their can is pointed at and how their work is coming along. The product is essentially a small base that a spray-paint can would be set into, surrounding the can with a small strap that contains a pair of lights to illuminate what’s in front of it. Malhotra’s idea is to make the attachment extremely portable too: because Lash is just a base, it would be easy to swap between cans; and Malhotra even envisions making Lash’s battery able to recharge by motion, so shaking a can would be able to keep the light powered when its battery runs low. Of course, any light might be too much when spray-painting somewhere you shouldn’t, but Lash is still an interesting idea for how spray painters could give themselves an easier work environment without totally giving themselves away.

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