123KLAN x Megastar & Fellastar

123KLAN x Megastar & Fellastar

Check the two new 123KLAN toys the pink Megastar and the orange Fellastar. [gallery columns=”3” link=”file”] Small and ingenious, he updates on his own, has almost infinite RAM but has physical limitations. Even if he has the strength and force of 10 Shaolins, it still isn’t enough today in the galaxy for him not to end up as a pile of junk if he gets into trouble. His dream : To buy a botty guard to protect him from the ruthless Alfa and have his picture taken with either Lou Ferigno or Patrick Duffy. AVAILABLE NOW @ 123klan.bigcartel.com! Each pack is signed including 2 free stickers in extra! We only get 25 boxes in stock.

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