Nuit Blanche_ is an annual all-night arts festival which started in Paris, St Petersburg and Berlin and the idea has been spreading across the globe since 1997._ [youtube=] Amsterdam Central Station by night, June 20th 2009. Project PAINT THE CITY was organized by Simme Andriesma aka A46K, who is a creative producer and conceptualist. This is a partially interactive project. The ‘painting’ takes place with a laser pointer and so-called videomapping. Tags are displayed on the buildings by means of beamers and the laser pointer. Through video images the interaction is sought between two buildings using video mapping. These elements combined together create a different perspective of the building itself. Have a look for yourself at the video displaying visuals of Laser 3.14 , Tiquestar, Soul Trotter, Pips Lab, Gijs Kast, Roel Hei and Jason Diependaal. props go out to Laser 3.14 for putting up this video